
Princess Anne praises youth orchestra
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Princess Anne praises youth orchestra
Princess Anne, accompanied by Ken MacLeod, CEO of the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra, speaks to the audience and young musicians at the end of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) 175th anniversary commemorative concert Friday, May 19, 2023. PHOTO by Pamela McKay

Kings County Record

Princess Anne praised the young musicians of the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra for a "wonderful musical performance" Friday night after a concert commemorating the 175th anniversary of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) at the Moncton Wesleyan Celebration Centre.

"You are excellent ambassadors for your families, to the Province of New Brunswick and Canada," the Princess Royal told the more than 60 musicians in the orchestra at the end of their hour-long performance under conductor Antonio Delgado.

The concert was attended by Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy, Premier Blaine Higgs, and Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold, along with elected officials and the families of the children in the orchestra. It was emceed by Marshall Button, in costume as Lieut. John Saunders, a founder of the 8th Hussars regiment.