Keeping Faith - New Brunswick Youth Orchestra - page 28

When combinedwith the growing list of casualties,
the senseof success felt in theclosingdaysof thewarwas
mixedwith a senseofuncertainty andwidespreadgrief.
The longer-term impact of the war on the
province, including its economy was mixed. Pre-war
unemployment had ended, followed by a brief period
of economic prosperity. But the economic boost
was transitory.By theendof thewar and in theearly
years of peace it became apparent that Maritimers in
general were falling behind the rest of the country
economically. This was part of a longer-term trend that
had begun before thewar and continued afterwards. In
theirNewBrunswick identify, strongly loyal to Britain
and newly-passionate about Canada as a nation, many
wonderedwhat lay ahead for theirhomeprovince.
Pipe and drum band of the 236thOverseas Battalion (TheNew
BrunswickKilties –Sir Sam’sOwn) recruiting inBangor,Maine
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