
Playing in tune
Monday, April 18, 2016
Playing in tune

Caden Buckley plays the viola during a Sistema performance at St. Andrews Elementary School on Friday night. Since January 2016, 34 students from St. Andrews Elementary School, Ian Baillie Primary School and Napan Elementary School have been active in the Miramichi Sistema New Brunswick program, which is operated through the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra. For more photos, visit   Photo: Jeremy Trevors /MIramichI Leader

Violin teaching artist and conductor Emily Field leads the Sistema NB Miramichi Children's Orchestra in their first public concert on Friday, April 15th at St. Andrews Elementary School. Photo by Jermey Trevors, Miramichi Leader

A packed gymnasium of patrons gave the Sistema NB Miramichi children and teachers a standing ovation at their first public concert on Friday, April 15th at St. Andrews Elementary School. Seen here are three enthusiastic boosters among the crowd, dressed in grey blazers...Miramichi Mayor--Gerry Cormier, NBYO President and CEO--Ken MacLeod and local MLA, The Hon. Bill Fraser--Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.